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How does the tracking button work

Explains how the 'Track Package' button works in the Shipping confirmation and Shipping update emails of OrderlyEmails.

Lauro Oller avatar
Written by Lauro Oller
Updated over a year ago

The tracking button is an essential part of the Shipping related emails in Shopify. The Shipping confirmation and Shipping update email templates in our OrderlyEmails app allow you to choose if the customer should track their shipment status using the fulfillment tracking number, the Shopify order status page, or through a third-party tracking app.

Links to Tracking Number (default)

When linked to the Tracking Number (default), our app uses the tracking URL generated by Shopify. The link on the tracking button is based on the carrier and tracking number that you add when fulfilling the order in the Shopify Admin. Our app will include that link in the emails.

For example, if you select the correct carrier and add the corresponding tracking number when fulfilling an order in your Shopify Admin, then the emails will correctly include the link that Shopify generates for your shipping carrier on the button. The button will be hidden if no tracking information is added when fulfilling.

Note: You might see DHL as your carrier on our app editor, but this is just a placeholder. The final email code will automatically show the carrier you select in the Shopify Admin and use the tracking link and tracking number you add during fulfillment.

Links to Order status page by Shopify

When it's set to redirect to the Order status page by Shopify, then your customer will be redirected to their Shopify order status page when they click the button, where they can confirm the stage the order is in.

Links to a tracking app

You could also select the tracking service if you are using one of the listed options in the Links to section of our app. Once you have selected that option, then we automatically adjust the email code so that the button points your customers to the app's tracking service page on your site.

If your shipping/tracking app is not included on the dropdown list, you may:

2- Add a new button section

3- In the Links to field, add the base of your app URL tracking link (the part before the tracking number)

4- Then add the {{ fulfillment.tracking_number }} variable at the end of the link

Example:{{ fulfillment.tracking_number }}

You may also reach out to us so we can check the possibility of it being integrated into the app editor list.

NOTE: If you don't see the button on the shipping confirmation email for a specific order, it's highly likely that it doesn't have the associated tracking information or the Tracking URL wasn't added when required by Shopify (The Shipping carrier was set to 'Other').

Keep in mind that our templates will only show the tracking button when the tracking details are added.

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