Based on payment status and fraud risk levels, you can control when an order should be delivered to the customer. You can also control how many times a customer can access their order, to ensure content is not shared or pirated. You can customize your delivery and fraud settings in the app on the following page.
Go to the Settings page
In the Delivery & fraud prevention section you will find the 3 available settings
The Deliver orders with payment status of: setting controls when an order will be auto-delivered based on it's payment status. The system will monitor changes to the payment status of your orders and then auto-deliver the order if it matches your chosen option.
The Require manual approval for orders with Fraud Risk level of: settings allows you to control which orders should not be auto-delivered, based on the Shopify Fraud Risk level score. This ensures that orders with a higher level of fraud risk require manual approval in the app, before being delivered.
The Maximum number of times a customer can access an order: allows you to control how many times a customer can access the downloads page of their order. By limiting the number of times an order can be accessed, sharing of the order download link is limited, and will not impact legitimate customers who generally only need to access an order a few times. If a customer contacts you and does require more accesses to their order, you can do so when viewing the customers order in the app.
If you have any troubles with the above or other questions, please do get in contact with our friendly support team.