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Order Printer Templates
Using your templates
Generate documents with my latest template version
Generate documents with my latest template version

Ensure you use the latest version of your document designed in the Order Printer Templates app.

Ramon Naval avatar
Written by Ramon Naval
Updated over a week ago

If you've just installed and paid for a template in the Order Printer Templates app or if you've made recent changes to your existing document template in the editor, you would be required to export the template into your Printing app to be able to use it.

Please follow these steps on how to:

Step 1:

From your Shopify Admin > Apps > Order Printer Templates.

Step 2:

Click on the Installation instructions button of the template that you would like to export.

Or, if you are inside the app editor, click the Export to Order Printer button.

Note: The Installation Instructions and Export to Order Printer button will only be available if you’ve already purchased the template.

Step 3:

After clicking the Export to Order Printer or the Installation Instructions, you will then be routed to the instructions page. Click on the “Click to Copy” button.

Step 4:

Select the app where you would like to use your template. Either the Order Printer by Shopify or the Order Printer Pro by FORSBERG+two.

Step 5:

Then, continue to follow the instructions on that page to apply the changes.

Note: You may need to repeat these steps for each of the templates that you would like to export.

Have any questions or issues? Feel free to get in touch with our 24/7 support team.

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